Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lost Sock: White Williams

White Williams is Joe Williams, a DIY producer whose first debut album "Smoke"is pure electro-pop bliss. Imagine Hot Chip covering T-Rex or Talking Head covering Junior Boys. His music is electronic beats accented with electric guitars and pumping bass. His tendency towards catchy grooves outweighs his occasional experimental fancies, which is a welcome change to his touring compadre Dan Deacon. Williams plays his influences out over 11 tracks that hint on Brian Eno, glam rock, and perhaps Daft Punk. At times, his songs fall into simple grooves a bit too long but overall this is a strong debut and will certainly keep my ears satisfied until the new Hot Chip album comes out. Check White Williams out at:

1 comment:

Infinite Jeff said...

I'm so glad you turned me on to White Williams. It was a nice edition to my 2007 mix!! You are credited of course at the bottom of the tracklist. Sending it today-it's a double disc mix like last year.