Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lost Sock: Menomena

Portland, OR holds a special place in my heart. It's where the girl I love is from but also in the last few years, Portland has been the genesis of several great bands (The Decemberists, The Shins, The Thermals). Menomena are yet another dynamic, original band to come out of most likely the healthiest music scene in America right now. Their sound is most easily compared to the moody English sound of Elbow or Doves. However, unlike those bands, Menomena incorporate electronic sounds and loops as essential pieces of songwriting and not as frills to add layers to a song. Their album Friend and Foe shows great promise as it shifts from bombastic rockers to surreal soundscapes. It's an album full of risks and fresh sounds and is easily one of the finest indie releases of 2007.

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