Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lost Sock: Beirut

Think of a less drunken, more Eastern orchestrated Devotchka with a knack for writing cleverly disguised pop songs and you've got Beirut. There music lives in attics and foggy empty streets lit dimly by candlelight. It is a music that transports the listener to places that feel familiar because they only exist in our heads like some picture book European adventure. Horns, accordions, violins, a soaring deep voice swirl around loose drums and rhythmic guitar. Beirut is one of the most unique bands to come out avoiding easy comparisons but somehow retaining a sense of history. The large orchestra sound of Beirut is largely due to 20 year old Zach Condon whose lyrics are youthful and playful contrasting the Balkan horn throwbacks nicely. The band has two albums and an EP, let's hope they stick it out for a long hall. The progression of a band like this will no doubt have many surprises in store. Check out their great tunes "Nantes" and "Elephant Gun" at:

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