Thursday, May 21, 2009

DVD Review: Martyrs

Last year, the horror community was treated to an unexpected surprise with the taut, gory thriller Inside. The movie confirmed the French as the new masters of current horror. Personally, the film scarred me senseless and I have seen it three times since. This year's so called "Inside" is Martyrs, another uber-violent French horror flick. However, the comparison should end at the origin of the film's creators. The films couldn't be more different in intention. While Inside delights in scares and thrills, Martyrs is out to sear itself into your psyche. To call it a psychological horror film doesn't surmise it enough.
The film centers around two women, one has escaped from some torture scenario only to be haunted by viscous hallucinations. The other is madly in love with the first one and is trying to help her carry out revenge on her captures. The first half features a mix of scares and intrigue, however once the revenge is carried out at the mid-way mark, the film veers into territory few other horror films have. The comparisons will be likely to Hostel or Saw but make no mistake, Martyrs is working on a different plain. The extreme torture and violence that comes past the 40min mark all has a purpose. It is not played at all for thrills or chills but to leave you battered and numb. I can't say I enjoyed it, but I admire it. The film tries hard to make the violence not be in the vain of pleasure and excitement but of purpose. Oddly the film could be said to have a happy ending even.
I cannot begin to ever recommend this film, but if you do see it then we should talk cause I imagine you must have a lot to say about it. I know I do.

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