Thursday, March 26, 2009

After Thoughts on "I Love You, Man"

For me I usually form two opinions about a movie I see. There is the immediate reaction walking out of the theater. This is usually a gut reaction that can be convoluted with expectations I had going in or the need to pee. Days or weeks later my opinion of the film usually changes and becomes well thought out. This opinion factors in all my knowledge of film and storytelling.

When I walked out of "I Love You, Man" I was entertained by it, if not a bit underwhelmed having hoped for a new comedy classic being a big fan of both stars. However over the last few days many of the moments in the film I found a bit formulaic have revealed themselves as something unique. I started to appreciate the films themes of having a good male friend in your life. There is a special quality to how the film avoids machismo and stereotypes of male bonding. Instead it chooses to champion the rarity of a great friend you love and made me thankful for my great friend Kevin.

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