Thursday, March 26, 2009

After Thoughts on "I Love You, Man"

For me I usually form two opinions about a movie I see. There is the immediate reaction walking out of the theater. This is usually a gut reaction that can be convoluted with expectations I had going in or the need to pee. Days or weeks later my opinion of the film usually changes and becomes well thought out. This opinion factors in all my knowledge of film and storytelling.

When I walked out of "I Love You, Man" I was entertained by it, if not a bit underwhelmed having hoped for a new comedy classic being a big fan of both stars. However over the last few days many of the moments in the film I found a bit formulaic have revealed themselves as something unique. I started to appreciate the films themes of having a good male friend in your life. There is a special quality to how the film avoids machismo and stereotypes of male bonding. Instead it chooses to champion the rarity of a great friend you love and made me thankful for my great friend Kevin.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What the...? Sean "Larry" Penn

Casting is finally being announced for the Farrelly Brothers‘ The Three Stooges. Jim Carrey is in talks to play Curly. Carrey is planning to gain 40 pounds for the role so that he can more closely match the physical look of Jerome “Curly” Howard. Sean Penn is set to play Larry, and Benicio Del Toro is currently in talks to play Moe. This is the exact opposite of a movie that makes me go ga ga over it. This sounds troubled and could be disastrous, and not in that good bad way I love. Sean Penn as a Stooge. It just seems to odd of a thought for me to handle. On the bright side, I usually enjoy the Farrelly Brother's movies to some degree so maybe it will just sort of suck.

Where The Wild Things Are? Trailer!!!!

Few movies make me giddy with excitement at the thought of seeing them anymore. Perhaps I have seen to many movies, according to Netflix I have seen over 3000, or maybe it's just part of growing up that you anticipate less and less. However, this film makes me giddy just thinking about seeing it. And now that the trailer is out for it I feel more justified. Set to one of the decades most powerful songs, The Arcade Fire's Wake Up, the trailer features beautiful, mesmerizing images. I had full confidence in Spike Jonze's abilities before this, but this takes it to a new level. Thanks for getting me to act like a kid again over a movie Spike.
Watch it here

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vampire Weekend Play New Song on Fallon!!!

Hardly a new song. I saw then perform this at Coachella last year but it's such a great song. Check it people!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kutiman From Isreal!!! Way cool!!!

The premise is that Kutiman samples and arranges clips from YouTube musicians to create new compositions. Kutiman took the scattered talents from dozens, if not hundreds, of individual musicians and funneled them into one cohesive brilliant opus.

I can't wait for this film!

Spike Jonze's Where The Wild Things Are Poster!

Public Enemy and The Roots On Jimmy Fallon

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Mix Out!!!

New mix everyone! Hope you like it. It's called Soft Diamonds.'s kind of an odd one.


Happy Up Here Röyksopp
White Diamonds Friendly Fires
The Trees Grew Emotions And Died Cold Cave
1901 Phoenix
Hazel Junior Boys
Say No Go De La Soul
Girls Like Me Bonnie Hayes & Wild Combo
The Wheels - Bad Little Woman
Ponta de Lança Africano (Umbabarauma) Jorge Ben
A Minha Menina Os Mutantes
Inspiration Information Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings
For What It's Worth Staple Singers
Firestation Towers Close Lobsters
The Sonics - Have Love Will Travel
Always Wanting More Jay Reatard
Soft Shock Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Dark Was The Night - Red Hot Charity Album

Everyone should go out and buy this great compilation. It's terrific! Amazing new songs by Jose Gonzalez, Arcade Fire, The National, Andrew Bird, Feist, and Grizzly Bear plus so many more. Here is a video about the album and a performance by The National. Pick it up. Its 2 cds and only $12.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Lost Sock: Jorge Ben "Africa Brasil"

I can't say I know a great deal about Jorge Ben. Wikipedia says this album was one of his more prolific and experimental. He is known all over the world. Of course none of this would matter if the music weren't an amazing mix of bossa nova and African beats. Apparently one of the songs on here was the focus of a lawsuit against Rod Stewart for his song "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy." Just get this album as soon you can if you are a fan of Brazilian music.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This is nuts!

A man looking to collect on a debt broke into the house of 60-year-old woman in Brazil's Federal District, holding her hostage for ten hours on the business end of a Sega Light Phaser. Fortunately, the man released his hostage, unharmed, after negotiating with police.

Lost Sock: Video: Röyksopp: "Happy Up Here"

This reminds me of Air's Moon Safari. Seems like it's been ages since this band made an album. I can't wait to hear the rest of it. Check out this catchy song and rather fun video.

Lost Sock: Cool Andrew Bird Video

Andrew Bird with Mucca Pazza - "Fitz & The Dizzyspells”