Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lost Sock: Top Ten Unseen Horror Films For Halloween

This year for Halloween why not venture into new territory and forget the usual horror favorites. Believe me, I watch Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre every year around this time, but I think its time to draw some attention to lesser known gems in the genre. So here it is, my Top Ten Unseen Horror Films for Halloween '08. Maybe it's just my mood this year but I am favoring fun horror films over truly horrifying ones.

10. The Return of the Living Dead - This film mixes horror and comedy very well. Plus their is such a high level of entertainment between the film's 80's style and great gore effects. I am always surprised how few people have seen this one.

9. Fido - Yet another horror/comedy. This one is extremely clever. It takes the idea of zombies and 50's B-films and mixes them together wonderfully. A young boy gets a zombie as a pet but things don't go so smoothly once Fido starts eating the neighbors. A recent gem.

8. Carnival of Souls - Older film but a great one. This film creates such a rich, creepy atmosphere throughout it and features a couple of images I will never shake from my nightmares. The guy coming out of the lake still gets to me.

7. Opera - One of the best Dario Argento films. Suspiria gets all the attention but I think this one is maybe his best. The scene I can't shake involves needles and a woman's eyes. This one shows off how well Argento handles death scenes.

6. Night of the Demons - A friend showed this one to me, it's one of her favorites. I totally see why. This movies falls under the quintesential 80's campy horror film. Complete with nudity, gore, stereotypes and bad music.

5. House - A classic in my book but maybe only because I saw so many times as a kid. Another horror/comedy, this one features a haunted house and George Wendt. Need I say more.

4. Session 9 - An overlooked creepfest. This movie is heavy on the atmosphere. A bit slow and the ending is a bit of a rip off but the film still gets under my skin.

3. Ginger Snaps - A total surprise! This film is like Heathers meets An American Werewolf in London. It follows two teenage sisters who are very morbid and aloof. One of them starts to change into a werewolf, at the same time gets her period. Funny and all around very entertaining.

2. Frontiers - The first of two French new wave horror films I am putting on this list. The French are leading horror right now into a new direction. This film is thier version of Last House on the Left or Hostel. It is not for the faint of heart, but this film is full of an extreme energy rarely seen. The film literally makes you feel insane. Scary and by far one of the goriest films I have seen.

1. Inside - The crowning achievement in horror films from the last few years. Rank among the best in my books. This film messed me up for days. It is so shocking, so scary, and so frenetic. The film has one of the most disturbing scenes in it I have ever witnessed. But the film is also very entertaining and a blast of a ride. This achieves what every horror film should, it scares the hell out of you.

1 comment:

Infinite Jeff said...

Yes! Love the 'Carnival of Souls'-there is a total mood to it that puts it ahead of it's time. I haven't seen 'Ginger Snaps' yet but I am putting it on my queue now.

I just watched 'La Ceremonie' last night-ever seen it? It's subtly dark and Isabella Huppert really steals the movie!