Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lost Sock: Bon Iver & The Dodos

I have been renewed in my love for acoustic singer/songwriters thanks to Bon Iver and The Dodos. I had pretty much given up on the genre until I heard both these acts.

Bon Iver sounds like early Iron & Wine by the way of Jeff Buckley's wounded vocals and Akron/Family's do it yourself naturalism. His album For Emma, Forever is a sad lament on love gone never to return. Check out "Skinny Love" at

The Dodos are apart of the too often used label "Freak Folk." Although I don't know a better way to describe this duo who has a pension for psych-out moments, I don't think it covers all sides of the band. This guitarist and drummer create more sound than should be capable for just two people. They make me listen to the acoustic guitar in a new way. Check them out at

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