Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Lost Sock: Best Films of 2007

I will say this year was the year of American film makers. I believe all of the films in my list are by American directors except three, a first for me. The films are listed in order. "There Will Be Blood" is hands down the best film of the year. Paul Thomas Anderson has made an American classic here. Daniel Day Lewis hits some new level of acting as Daniel Plainview, an oilman with a vengeful drive. Anderson crafts a tale of religion and capitalism, transforming the dream of oil into a terrifying vision of the coming century in America. This is Anderson’s masterpiece. His usual flights into daring territory have been honed and crafted. There is not a single unimportant frame in the film. Every shot and scene pulses with blood. There are images in "There Will Be Blood" that haunted me for days after seeing it. The other films listed are equally unique and amazing. All the films on this list exemplified a unique voice and vision.

There Will Be Blood
No Country For Old Men
I’m Not There
The Diving Bell and The Butterfly
Michael Clayton
Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead
Knocked Up
Across the Universe
Sweeny Todd

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